File Submitter : Lozeak. Devious Followers Beta. So do you want your followers like your Devious Devices? Do you want a Slavery system that lets you play the game but also humiliate you and tie you up? How it works and Content so far. Mod won't start until you get the idle line "Nice to meet you huni If you break the rules they will punish you, take gold,add debt make it harder to get free. Your follower Skyrim Sex Dungeon Mod remove other Devious Devices from you. When Free - Any normal gag, blindfold, arm bondage but if you have a none Skyrim Sex Dungeon Mod device they won't touch any in fear of being cursed. When Enslaved - They only remove devices that stop you following the rules and to make them money Warning tho - if you end up in something More Devious your enslavement rules change get worse and they will only untie your hands if they can don't get stuck in a heavy yoke Once you get out of the more devious device once your follower notices they'll bump you back to being a normal slave. Follower playing games with you. While being played with debt will not increase. Once you hit half the enslavement debt, your follower will take advantage of you under certain conditions. Currently 2 atm. So when your debt is mounting and you need a break, your follower will offer you a deal to reduce it but you'll need to buy out of the deal before you can get the follower to leave. Don't worry they are all designed so they are fun Legacy clause: If i disappear for like a month last seen on profile or so feel free to take over till if get back. Finally the thanks Lastly sorry if I Skyrim Sex Dungeon Mod something I shouldn't. There is a chance my mod could CTD on talking activators because it did with LAL, I got round this by making sure a lot of my dialogue isn't initialised until debt has started. Found a bug where you clear debt that could break mod so hopefully fixed it. Custom race fix for some of the content Small fix for MCM pause that would allow others to start up Skyrim Sex Dungeon Mod again. MCM stuff added Displays willpower and resistance New Debug option to force add a follower you need to talk to person and it works on everyone in the game so ONLY use this on your follower it will not make someone your follower! The mod "should" work with custom races too. The mod "should" only work with the selected follower and additional followers will not enforce rules ect now. Pause and Reset in MCM have been fixed so that deal system works. Resistance has a min value of 5 so you don't just go from willpower in a few seconds Bug with willpower going to lol fixed Follower will remove hoods under the gag or blindfold dialogue. Fixed some bugs in dialogue can't remember which now but there was a few. Stats Willpower and Resistance have been added and do effect some things nothing too bad Basically, at some point I added something that is game breaking between 0. Nothing much added but if you have rapetattoos installed when enslaved you'll have a random number of tattoos add configurable in MCM default is off. Currently most stable version is 0. Fixed a bug where follower would not say "hi huni Also while doing this it allowed me to handle if your follower gets killed or dismissed from other sources. It doesn't need DCL to got the no town collar event There is a way this can CTD I think it's rare but I'll fix it at some point Added first game your follower plays with you at half debt. I might of fixed some bugs. Follower dialogue control, when you ow your follower money this mod will take over follower dialogue when you talk to them totally this allows me to take more control away from the player and it allows custom follower to work with this mod. There are time I think this may back quest or custom follower dialogue so the old system still exist and is togglable via MCM. Fixed some variables I rushed this update without real testing cause 0. A way to pause the mod A way to reset the mod Fixed an issue with collar removal when enslaved.
Lasst uns brutal werden. Die Geschichte hat unterschiedliche Enden und will euch frecherweise vor moralische Dilemmata stellen. Also die Installation ist wie bei dem Mod Manager, nur eben mit dem Organizer. Wie oben geschrieben benutze ich nun nur noch den Mod Organizer und downloade diese über den Nexus Link. Für die Special Edition wollt ihr vielleicht zu Skyrim Fishing SE wechseln: Die Angel-Mod ist in der Version sehr viel beliebter. Steigern sich diese dann eigentlich auch von Zeit zu Zeit und nähern sich dem Maximum von
Searches Related to "skyrim dungeon mod"
They updated the game to add the resource pack for the East Empire mod and the trainwiz dungeon mods. I just checked a guard, a chicken, and Wilmuth and noticed it was all from Sexlabs mod. The powerful open-source mod. *Edit: It's a mod assigning the preferences. You can turn adult content on in your preference, if you wish. New large creation is on its way. No doubt. Adult content. This mod contains adult content. New quests, environments, characters, dialogue, armor, weapons and more – with Mods, there are no limits to what you can experience. VORTEX.Last edited by Krysos; Kostenlos registrieren und verbessere dein Erlebnis. Ja, mein Fehler. Starte ich es über den SKSE-Loader geht es ohne Probleme. Und danke für die Hilfe, Leute. Nothing much added but if you have rapetattoos installed when enslaved you'll have a random number of tattoos add configurable in MCM default is off. Keine Autosaves, Loadreihenfolge, Mod Organizer, Maximal 6X. Das ist vielleicht kein Beweis, aber dennoch Once you hit half the enslavement debt, your follower will take advantage of you under certain conditions. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic KI-Texture-Pack. Juan Profil anzeigen Beiträge anzeigen. Die müsste sich nach Installation von SKSE im selben Ordner wie Skyrim befinden. Dritte Frage: Wie viele Mods habt ihr so für gewöhnlich drauf? Die erste Frage von mir ist: Wie viel MB sollte ein Speicherpunkt gleich zu Spielbeginn haben? LOOT kann Inkompatibilitäten aufzeigen, wenn diese bekannt sind. Alle anderen Mods laufen bei mir ohne jedwede Probleme laut dem Mod Organizer. Das sind die Files, wo man schnell die Grafikkarte speziell den VRAM an die Grenze bringt, bis hin das sie überlastet wird, das Spiel zu laggen anfängt bis hin zur Unspielbarkeit und man danach kommentarlos auf den Desktop zurückbefördert wird. Auch habe ich Skyrim bei Steam auf Fehler überprüft und das half auch nicht wirklich. Abgesehen von Dingen, die zwingend dort installiert sein müssen wie ENB, falls du sowas verwendest. Könnte natürlich sein. Womöglich passt es eher zu jenen Charakteren, die sich der dunklen Seite zugewandt haben. Dort kannst du sie dann umorganisieren, so dass alles im "Data"-Ordner sich auf der obersten Ebene befindet, und den leeren Data-Ordner kannst du dann abwählen. Es übernimmt das Speicher- Management für Texturen und entlastet dadurch die Skyrim-Engine. Fixed a bug where follower would not say "hi huni Meine Morrowind-Mods. Würde mir sehr helfen.