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They slowly walk towards the center of the stage, then kneel and swing their arms like toy soldiers. De twee meest gezaghebbende partijen hoeven niet altijd op een lijn te zitten. A laser draws green lines on the wooden and sand shapes. En daarna komt automatisch de vraag: hoe geven we die autonomie door aan anderen? They name eight cornerstones that together constitute the "now" and are not separated from past and future: emotions, sounds, time of day, place, other people or objects, smells, colors, and another open variable. His body takes on the appearance of a fragile construct, and soon enough, the precarious little tower collapses.
Je leest materiaal nauwgezet, in de breedte en in de diepte, van een afstand of belichaamd. In Hay's work, the Now manifests itself in a constant shift from here to there. Chunks of foam hang above the stage like fish in a net until at some point they are thrown down like meteorites and almost kill a performer — and then again, because it was so beautiful — before they bounce silently on the stage floor. Schertsend naar Arne Misschien moet jij eens gaan praten met de Botanique? Festivals, kunstenaarsresidenties, een publiek openluchtzwembad FLOW, in Anderlecht , een vaste ploeg In the play, Talib's world becomes part of a choreographed scenography. Met vijf muzikanten ben ik dan terechtgekomen in een oud kantoorgebouw in de Voltastraat in Elsene. She strokes her hand along the cello without touching it, gently, almost sensually. Disasters lurk everywhere, but giving up is not an option: with their arms, the dancers push against gravity. Like the time I saw Stuart give a lecture to dance science students at Freie Universität including a conversation with Professor Gabriele Brandstetter in , I was amazed at how easy it seems for her to switch between dancing and suddenly starting to talk about her dance. The cycle is perpetually reinventing itself. Tussen de fonkelende discoballen spelen ze met de onheilspellende resten van wat, zo lijkt het, ooit solide was. When the lights come back on, the music is more emotional. Bequem liefern lassen. Wouters: Klein en groot zijn relatief. How does a mollusc imagine its shell? Elk op hun eigen discobalheuvels reiken de heksen hun handen omhoog in de mist. Een dodelijke vraag. De onzichtbare spelers in de crisis zijn toch de grote instituten geweest. To the left there are two big, inflatable hills, draped with vinyl cloths, printed with a kitschy purple-and-blue night sky. I remember performances in the beginning of the s, very concentrated in space. One of the dancers wears a motorcycle helmet and a leotard; he addresses the audience by making signs with his hands, straight as a rod. And how! Flor Huybens en ik zijn allebei serieuze ADHD'ers. The question is, which images will be able to evoke the story of a species that continually makes choices without knowing the consequences. Hoe praat je erover, en hoe stuwt dat praten die ontwikkeling voort? The Logic of Sensation. Clearly, it is hard in these times to put down the Covid-interpretation glasses, but the frugal snippets of text that Tim Etchells created together with the perfomers quite emphatically point towards the pandemic. The prospect of being able to work in Zurich again was too tempting. Die Hölzer sind kesseldruckimprägniert und somit wetterbeständig.